Dancing on the Duck

Dancing on the Duck


Dancing on the Duck 2 

Dancing on the Duck lineup announcement 1

Dancing on the Duck lineup announcement 1

The Festival's Purpose

Dancing on the Duck is an all ages music festival for anyone and everyone. This festival is all about community and meeting new people. We want everyone to feel like they belong, because you do! Express yourself however you choose. There are no judgements at Dancing on the Duck!! We are all family...so bring a friend and enjoy the festivities!

Who created this festival?

The one and only Craig Anderson of "Catfish Seminar"!! Craig wanted Dancing on the Duck to be an experience everyone would remember as "the best damn weekend of the year"...

He began this journey in 2023 and does not intend to stop this "once a year" lifetime experience! At least not until he gets his kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames..

And that is exactly how all of us feel. The music isnt over until the lights go out!!

Dancing on the Duck 2023

Dancing on the Duck 2023

2023 Line-up

This is the line-up of the very first Dancing on the Duck!